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iH2 Advisors & Company

Investment advisory affiliate, iH2 Advisors & Company (iH2), offers model portfolios, manager research, multi-asset solutions and overlay management via the inCadense platform.

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Investment Strategies that can be implemented via inCadense 

Asian Equity

Growth Equity


U.S. Muni Fixed Income

Value Equity

Latam Equity


Global Technology

European Equity


Multi-Asset Solutions

Next Generation Energy

Listed Infrastructure


Core Fixed Income

Large Cap



iH2’s breadth of global investment capabilities 

A diverse range of SMAs across asset classes can be accessed that help you build stronger portfolios for your clients.

Manager Research

Manager research on managers and strategies is available to support investment decision-making.

Money Managers

The platform supports a stable of money managers and investment strategies via a single access point. One channel offers use of multiple investment options and investment companies.

Overlay Management

Overlay management technology and operations support are available to provide efficient portfolio allocation, investment implementation of SMAs and rebalancing. Portfolios can be implemented based on single strategies or using multiple money managers, including UMAs, SMAs, offshore funds such as ETFs and UCITS.  

Multi-Asset Solutions

Portfolios can be built based on a dynamic asset allocation of third party, affiliate or proprietary money managers. Implementation can be based on house views or third party strategic and tactical asset allocation.

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about iH2

Learn more about affiliate iH2 Advisors & Company solutions.

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